Friday, November 20, 2009

Cranfest Accepting Sponsorships for 2010 Contests

WARRENS, Wisconsin, November 19, 2009- Warrens Cranberry Festival announced today an opportunity to involve local businesses by inviting them to sponsor festival contests for 2010.

The festival brings more than $3 million annually to the Monroe County area. Sponsorships will give locals the opportunity to give back to the festival, as well as become involved in their community.

Contests looking for sponsors include the Wisconsin Cranberry Recipe Contest, Photography Contest, Pictorial Cancellation, Vegetable & Sunflower Contest, Scarecrow Contest, Biggest Berry Contest, Flower Show, Button Design Contest and Quilt & Needlework Contest.

Sponsors of the 2010 contests will receive special recognition, including placement on the contest's entry form and placement on the festival Web site, Sponsors who donate $250 or more will also have their company names in the 2010 festival brochure and signage at their chosen contests.

Sponsorship forms are available online at and at the festival office. For more information about sponsorship opportunities or contests, please contact the festival office at 608-378-4200 or

Thursday, November 12, 2009

November 2009 Newsletter

The November issue of The Cranfest Scoop newsletter is now available on our website. I currently write most of the pieces and serve as the editor of the newsletter.

Highlights in this issue include:
  • Election 2009
  • 2010 Button Design
  • Cranfest Overview
  • Winning Recipes

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Winning Button Design

Here is the winning button design! Thanks to all who voted, and we're looking forward to a great Cranfest in 2010.

Monday, November 9, 2009

2010 button designs

Each year, Cranfest holds a button design contest, and the winner is used for the year's buttons, patches and t-shirts that are sold to visitors.

This year, they decided to take some time to redo the contest rules. That meant no contest for this year, and they handed the job of designing this year's button to me. I was told to design 3 different buttons, and the membership would vote on the winner.

Here are the designs I came up with. I didn't have access to any Adobe software at work, so all I had to work with was Publisher. Considering, I think these designs turned out pretty well. Let me know which ones you like!

The buttons will be voted on at tonight's membership meeting. I'll post the winner later this week.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"It's Better to Give Than to Receive"

Warrens Community Pulls Together to Help Families in Need During the Holidays


WARRENS, Wisconsin, October 27, 2009—The Warrens community would like to announce its first annual Hope for the Holidays, a not-for-profit community giving program for Warrens area families who are unable to provide holiday gifts for their family this season.

The program is collecting new or gently used clothing items or toys from people in the community as well as businesses. Donations can be dropped off at the Warrens Cranberry Festival office or the Wisconsin Cranberry Discovery Center until Dec. 4. Monetary gifts are also being accepted and will be used to purchase additional gifts as needed. Checks can be made payable to Warrens Area Youth Assoc./Hope for the Holidays and dropped off at the F & M Bank or mailed to Hope for the Holidays W2359 Cty. Rd. HH, Warrens, WI 54666.

Local families in need this season are encouraged pick up a donation request form at Warrens Elementary School or may request one from Hope for the Holidays at W2359 Cty. Rd. HH, Warrens, WI 54666 or e-mail at All names submitted will be confidential, and applications will be accepted until Nov. 20.

Gifts will be distributed at the Warrens Lions log building from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 18 or delivered to families’ homes. For more information, contact Selena at 608-378-3093 or Amy at 608-387-9811 or